Emotional Leadership ā€“Ā Season 2 Elephant Rider Insights


There's a myth that work and emotions don't mix. That we need to check them at the door. Lots of leaders suppress feelings or avoid expressing them. We're gonna flip workplace conversations and show you how embracing emotions as a leader will change the way you lead.

There is no one way to exercise leadership. But emotion is critical. Because emotion helps you understand who you are working with. It also helps you build relationships with your people based on who they are – not who you are. 

Emotional leadership involves:

  • Awareness of the importance of emotions – both yours and our peoples' – acknowledging the impact of them on the individual and collective impact they have on the team. Using that emotional awareness and understanding to positively shape the culture of the team – deliberately and intentionally.
  • Understanding your people, where they are emotionally and being able to help them manage the unpleasant...
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School Sports Team Culture Training Programme ā€“Ā Free Download

Sports coaches and school leaders can use the Emotional Culture Deck to foster an emotion-driven culture and increase young people's emotional and social development.

Click here to download this programme > 

Even though this program is about school sports teams, you can hack it and use it for any group of people within a school environment: a group of musical students, a group of performing arts students, a group of teachers. Even a classroom can use this to define their culture.

We've seen first-hand how this game can help young people with social-emotional learning. But there are a lot of barriers keeping schools and community groups from having this discussion. 

We feel it's our duty to use our platform and skills to help as many young people, schools and community groups as we can around the world.   


This programme is free for anyone who works in a school as a teacher, coach, administrator, volunteer or community leader or works with...

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Imagine This ā€“ Jeremy Dean interview with Jehan Casinader

jeremy dean podcast Nov 23, 2021


Our founder, Jeremy was invited to be part of Imagine This, a podcast about creative people who  started from their garages and kitchen tables, and built businesses that are making an impact. 

Leading New Zealand journalist Jehan Casinader explores the Wellington business landscape in conversation with industry leaders, innovators and change-makers.

Hear all about the journey he's been on to bring this wild dream to life, where he's at now and where he's heading next. 

Check out more of this amazing Imagine This series here: https://youtu.be/YDI5JZg_coY?si=yK-Ie0pALjE5i9R6

Imagine this presented by

In 2020, Jehan Casinader was named “Broadcast Reporter of the Year” at the Voyager Media Awards for his extensive coverage of the Christchurch terror attack. In 2018, he was named “Reporter of the Year” at the New Zealand Television Awards. 

Jehan has worked in the fast-past world of primetime TV for more than a...

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ECD Most Valuable Plays with Cam Mitchell

Learn from Cricket Wellington CEO, Cam Mitchell, about his approach to emotional leadership and how ECD adopters and Practitioners can get the most out of the game when working with CEOs.


Want to try the ECD for free?

  • Download and play with the game for free here
  • Follow The ECD Instagram here
  • Follow us on Facebook here
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Lessons from the ECD Game Maker ā€“ Jeremy

Here's what you might not have known about The ECD. Go behind the scenes with Jeremy as he shares some of his latest insights and lessons from using The Emotional Culture Deck over the past two years. 

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ECD Schools Pilot Programme

In conjunction with Cricket Wellington Inc, we’ve been working on the design of a free schools ECD Pilot Programme. Our goal is to make the world-leading culture work we’ve done with the Wellington Firebirds & Blaze cricket teams available to every school in the world for free!

Yesterday we wrapped up the first ECD Schools Pilot Programme with Wellington College Cricket 1st X1.

The reactions and engagement with this game never cease to amaze me.

Over the last month, we’ve seen young men be open and vulnerable with each other. One student told us “it’s helped them speak their truth” with each other.

Check out what some of the students said they liked about their experiences over the past month…who said young adults aren’t able to express themselves!

But the thing we’re most proud of is how we’re using sport as a vehicle to increase the social-emotional learning of our young people.

Thank you Wellington College,...

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How Cricket Wellington is applying the Emotional Culture Deck to its whole of cricket approach

Cricket Wellington has been playing with The Emotional Culture Deck for the past four years.

According to CEO, Cam Mitchell and General Manager Liz Green, The Emotional Culture Deck has changed so much at Cricket Wellington.

"I've never been part of a culture that's never been closer or tighter, everyone feels like they're part of something."

“The best change I've seen in the group is the vulnerability."

“Without the Deck, we wouldn’t have been as connected, and we wouldn’t know each other like we do, at every level”

“Everyone who comes in here, including our sponsors, notices that our people are engaged with focus and autonomy and that there is a positive word of mouth between players and administrators.”

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RESETTING BOUNDARIES: Cricket Wellington's Whole of Cricket Transformation


How Cricket Wellington is applying the Emotional Culture Deck to its whole of cricket approach

The Deck is disarming, says Jeremy, and that’s why it is so effective. It’s a fun, easy, non-threatening way to share personal stuff, especially at times of change. And that certainly proved to be the case as the Emotional Culture Deck was introduced to individuals in core teams at Cricket Wellington, then whole teams, ground staff and more.

Walk through the Basin Reserve buildings and it’s clear that this is a game that deeply values its traditions. They’ve been playing cricket here for more than 150 years …

So the arrival of Cam as CEO was something of an oddball: a professional administrator, with a background in football, brought in by the Board to right a ship that was struggling.

It didn’t take Cam long to work out that the trouble ran deeper than just the balance sheet. People were busy but the work didn’t align back...

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R&E Update: You might notice something a little different about our Instagram profile

instagram Sep 15, 2021

You might notice something a little different about our Instagram profile

We took the chance now to change the name of our account to @ridersandelephants to capture all of our games. You’ll see our existing and new games popping up across our platforms over the coming months.

Despite The Emotional Culture Deck having been in the world (and in your workplace toolkit) for 3 years, it’s only the beginning for us at R&E. We’re really proud of where we’ve come from, the progress we’re making, and where we’re headed—and it’s all thanks to (and for) you!

R&E's mission to humanise the workplace is gaining traction and we're feeling so excited to be on the journey together. We hope you're feeling proud to be a part of what we’re creating here at R&E

On Instagram, you can now tag us @ridersandelephants

And use these hashtags for our games:
#emotionalculturedeck #cxdeck #wellbeingdeck

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Emotional Culture Deck, how do I love thee...

This article is reposted from Tubi Oyson LinkedIn post herePublished on August 14, 2021

Tubi Oyston – Wellbeing specialist | Coach | Consultant | Facilitator |

It’s been about 17 months since I first connected with the Emotional Culture Deck (aka ECD, the Deck or my Beloveds), Jeremy Dean the creator, and the ever-growing Elephant and Rider community. I remember every moment - my first glimpse of the web profile, the painstaking printing, laminating and cutting out of my first deck, and my planned campaign to convince Jeremy to let me do the training even though I wasn’t an Agile coach (lucky for Jeremy it wasn’t necessary!). At 17 months and counting, I am still officially in the honeymoon period of a pure and innocent love affair – one I hope lasts a long time.

I have used the ECD concept and cards in so many ways outside of their original purpose – which tells me the quality of their design is second to none. Their...

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