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ECD Certification Pathway

ECD is one of the most successful culture tools in the world. Over the past 8 years, more than 500k+ people in 65+ countries have used our tools and training to create workplaces where people feel generous, inspired, confident, and connected.

For those wanting to use The ECD professionally, we continue to evolve our ECD Certified Pathways to equip you to best address complex emotions in today’s workplaces. The rise of new technologies and ongoing changes in how people are expected to work mean today’s advisors must bring depth, insight, compassion, experience and skill to all sorts of situations.

Begin your certification journey >

 A continuous emotional journey. 

On our ECD Certification Pathway you pass through three distinct Certification levels as you progress from practitioner to consultant to master. And, along the way, it includes more moments of recognition than ever before with six status tiers.

Everything you stand to gain

It’s good to be a Certified Practitioner …

  • Play the deck with anyone
    Learn how to use the deck in four specialist ways
  • Facilitate ECD workshops and activities with anyone
  • Get 90 days All Access to our Community
  • Then, you can become an ECC member (for a monthly fee) and receive community support as you continue your chosen Certification Pathway.

But it’s even better to be a Certified Consultant

  • Everything you get as a Certified Practitioner, plus
  • Only Certified Consultants are authorised to deliver our ECD Specialist Courses
  • Only Certified Consultants can certify ECD Practitioners

Choose your Specialisation

Start by choosing the field where you want to make the most emotional impact:

  • Emotional Culture Crafting – managing & influencing what people are feeling at work
  • Emotional Leadership Development – building & establishing the emotions your culture needs to thrive
  • Emotional Change Strategy – recognising & shaping the emotions needed to navigate change effectively
  • Emotional Stakeholder Engagement – designing & embedding emotions into the experiences you create for the people you serve
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Earn your Practitioner Status

The moment you successfully complete your introductory course, you become a certified practitioner in that specialty. Building experience as a practitioner qualifies you to undertake our Advanced ECD Consultant Training and lift your level of standing to Certified Consultant. From there, you can progress your specialty as a Certified Consultant through to your ultimate goal and level – Mastery – and the title of Master in that field.

Diversify & Deepen 

To diversify and deepen your professional proficiency, you can add further specialisations to give you greater skills and more opportunities to make an emotional difference. With each specialisation, you follow the same journey through the three Certification levels to advance from Practitioner to Consultant to Master.

You can do this one specialisation at a time. You can pursue different specialisations simultaneously. Or you can pace them in different ways. It all comes down to the journey you’re on and how the different Certification levels of specialisation help you achieve more in your workplace or business.

Six Status Tiers: Become more recognised

Feeling progress is a powerful emotional driver – and the feeling of achievement is a persuasive proof point. Your ECD Certification Pathway now includes more recognition of your achievements with six active status tiers. We mark those moments in a range of ways.

When you’re a practitioner, we recognise your elevation with three status tiers, Rising, Advanced & Senior. We also celebrate occasion milestones with special badges celebrating the workshops you have completed.

Then, at Certified Consultant level, three status tiers give you new titles as you progress – from Pro, Expert and then Elite. Master is the ultimate recognition in any specialty. Master ECD Consultant means you are recognised as a global leader in that field.

Master is the ultimate recognition...

in any specialty. Certified Master means you are recognised as a global leader in that field. 

Workplaces are always changing. So are the emotions within cultures. Our ECD Certified Pathways add depth and momentum to every journey. They reflect and keep pace with what our global community is telling us, what our research partners are telling us, with where work itself is going. We think our mix of four specialisations, three Certification levels and six status tiers strikes the right balance between structure, choices and acknowledgement as you grow your ECD practice and business.

Reap the rewards of being an
ECD Certified Consultant.


Certified Consultant signals that you have high levels of proficiency with this powerful tool. Not only are you a better coach or consultant for having this qualification, but Certified Consultant status distinguishes you as a practical, knowledgeable teacher in your specialty.

That’s exactly what organisations wanting to lift their emotional performance are looking for: the proof that you have done the work to lead their people through an emotional culture journey.

They can be confident that their people will come away from your time with them inspired by what they have been able to do and more aware than ever before of the value of emotions for them, their interactions within teams and the organisation.

With this Certification, they know too, that you can back up your Emotional
Culture Deck skills with the consulting expertise to tackle specific challenges
and opportunities.

Find an ECD Certified Consultant here >
Meet some of our ECD Certified Consultants:

You're never alone

From the moment you join your first ECD Specialist Course, you’ll be invited to be part of our global Community. We give you 90 days free access to see the value for yourself – then you subscribe for a small monthly fee.

Our dynamic, global community brings people with a passion for The ECD and emotions together to meet, interact, post learnings and ask and answer questions. You can choose to be as involved as you want to be, but you'll always be welcome, and there will always be opportunities to engage with and learn alongside experienced practitioners and consultants as you continue your journey.

Being active in our communities will exponentially improve your success and bring new life, value and depth to how you help others master their emotions. 

Find out what it means to be a Community member >
Begin your journey to ECD mastery

Have you enrolled for our Masterclass Course?

To embark on this exciting and emotional professional journey, complete our Emotional Culture Crafting Masterclass Course and learn more about the Emotional Culture Deck world. Complete this Course and unlock your first badge – ECD Culture Practitioner Badge.

Enrol here now >

Let’s flip what the world feels