School Sports Team Culture Training Programme – Free Download

Sports coaches and school leaders can use the Emotional Culture Deck to foster an emotion-driven culture and increase young people's emotional and social development.

Click here to download this programme > 

Even though this program is about school sports teams, you can hack it and use it for any group of people within a school environment: a group of musical students, a group of performing arts students, a group of teachers. Even a classroom can use this to define their culture.

We've seen first-hand how this game can help young people with social-emotional learning. But there are a lot of barriers keeping schools and community groups from having this discussion. 

We feel it's our duty to use our platform and skills to help as many young people, schools and community groups as we can around the world.   


This programme is free for anyone who works in a school as a teacher, coach, administrator, volunteer or community leader or works with schools or young people as part of their job.


Click here to read about the pilot programme we ran with a local high-school >


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