Our 2024 F-World Magazine: Real-World Impact and ECD Research

As we wrap up 2024, I’m thrilled to share two special milestones with you: the latest edition of F World Magazine and the results of our first ECD research project in collaboration with Wharton Business School.

The F World is not just a magazine—it’s a reflection of our movement. The 2024 Edition brings together the voices, insights, and stories of a global community dedicated to emotional culture in workplaces. Designed by riders&elephants and powered by the incredible Elephant Rider Community, it's our way of celebrating and recognising how emotions are flipping work and life.

Whether you’re a seasoned Elephant Rider, a curious leader, or someone who just wants to understand how emotions shape our world, this publication is for you. Inside, you’ll find heartfelt stories, expert insights, and practical tools to help you reimagine connection, culture, and leadership. From inspiring case studies to the highlights of our Global Elephant Rider Summit, every page is packed with real-world examples of how emotions drive engagement, performance, and human-to-human connection.

Putting this magazine together is always a humbling (and daunting) experience for us. There are thousands of stories, insights, and moments of growth that we could include from our community, and it's hard to leave so much out– we’ve tried our best to capture some of the brightest spots.

One of the most exciting developments this year — and something I’m particularly proud to include in our F-World 2024 — is our collaboration with Wharton and the research we’ve been doing with Assistant Professor Michael Parke.

Read the 2024 F World Magazine: https://ecdeck.com/f-world-2024

If you love what you see, spread the word! Share this with your friends, colleagues, and anyone who’s passionate about making workplaces more human. Let’s flip the conversation together.

Wharton x R&E Collaboration. Measuring the Impact of The ECD.

In January, we kicked off this collaboration with a simple idea: to better understand the impact of The ECD in workplaces. Professor Parke, whose research focuses on affect labeling (the science of putting feelings into words), joined us to share his work, and what started as a single event has grown into something that will have a far reaching impact around the world.

Together, we’ve completed three research projects this year, and we’re sharing the results of the first project in this edition of F World Magazine. These findings reveal the tangible, real-world impact of The ECD on teams navigating change. This research you'll read about in the magazine validates what many of you have experienced firsthand: that taking the time to talk about emotions, to lay your cards on the table, and to connect as humans has a profound impact on team performance and well-being. It’s exciting to finally have the data to back this up, and it’s just the beginning. We have three more projects planned for 2025, and I can’t wait to see where this research takes us.

Celebrating Our Community’s Growth

Beyond the research, 2024 has been a year of growth and connection. Over the past five years our global ECD Practitioners & Consultants community has grown to 1500 plus across 47 countries. This year, we hosted the first-ever Global Elephant Rider Summit in Queenstown, New Zealand — an experience five years in the making. Forty-eight people from our community came together to learn, share, and inspire one another. The summit embodied everything that makes our community special: deep connections, generous contributions, and a willingness to experiment and grow together.

We also launched next-generation ECD Specialist Courses, expanding the ways people can use The ECD in their work. These new courses focus on Emotional Leadership Development, Emotional Change Strategy, and Emotional Stakeholder Engagement. They represent how far The ECD has come and the many ways it can help leaders, teams, and organisations thrive.

Thank You for Being Part of This Journey

Whether you’ve been with us for years or you’re just starting your journey with The ECD, I want to say thank you. Your willingness to explore emotions at work, to lead with vulnerability, and to create cultures where people feel seen and heard is what makes this community so special.

Read the 2024 F World Magazine here >

I hope you enjoy this year’s F World Magazine and that it sparks new ideas and inspiration for you. Dive into the stories, explore the research, and celebrate the impact and ripples so many of you are helping to create.

Stay emotional,

Founder riders&elephants


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