ECD Schools Pilot Programme

In conjunction with Cricket Wellington Inc, we’ve been working on the design of a free schools ECD Pilot Programme. Our goal is to make the world-leading culture work we’ve done with the Wellington Firebirds & Blaze cricket teams available to every school in the world for free!

Yesterday we wrapped up the first ECD Schools Pilot Programme with Wellington College Cricket 1st X1.

The reactions and engagement with this game never cease to amaze me.

Over the last month, we’ve seen young men be open and vulnerable with each other. One student told us “it’s helped them speak their truth” with each other.

Check out what some of the students said they liked about their experiences over the past month…who said young adults aren’t able to express themselves!

But the thing we’re most proud of is how we’re using sport as a vehicle to increase the social-emotional learning of our young people.

Thank you Wellington College, Matthew Roche, John Chandler, and Cricket Wellington Inc for taking the leap and leading a new way forward!

Plus thanks to the team yesterday for testing a new prototype card game that helps teams define their team reputation!

The core question of this new game: What do we want to be remembered for as a team?”


50% Complete

Two Step

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